Action Items



The board:

  • Reviewed three sample designs of the “Notice to Consumers” and gave the committee direction in developing the final design and poster language. Directed the release of the refined language for the 45-day public comment period required of regulations.
  • Authorized the use of an emergency contraception fact sheet prepared by the Pharmacy Access Partnership until the board develops its own fact sheet for patients, as required by SB 1169.
  • Reported that the publications and public outreach position was frozen by the Governor’s hiring freeze.
  • Reported that Health Notes #7 on Quality Assurance Programs is under development. This Health Notes will aid pharmacies in complying with the requirements to establish quality assurance programs to reduce prescription errors. The goal is to develop and publish this fiscal year (June 30, 2002).
  • Reported that Health Notes #8 on Geriatrics will be published next fiscal year 2002/03.


The board:

  • Approved the request from St. Joseph Infusion Services for waiver of California Code of Regulations section 1717(e) to allow the delivery of outpatient infusion drugs to a health center.
  • Reported that it submitted a legislative budget change proposal (BCP) to request the necessary resources to implement the licensing and inspection requirements of SB 293 (Torlakson, Chapter 827, Statutes of 2001. This bill requires pharmacies that compound injectable sterile drug products obtain a separate license from the board. That license requires an annual inspection by the board to ensure the pharmacy’s compliance with guidelines on sterile compounding as adopted by the board. Because only a small portion of the requested augmentation was approved, the board withdrew the BCP and cannot implement the bill until adequate resources are approved.
  • Released proposed guidelines on compounding injectable sterile drug products as required by SB 293. The board will hold an informational hearing on the proposed guidelines at its April board meeting.
  • Voted to amend California Code of Regulations section 1732.2 to accept as continuing education (CE) for pharmacists, courses that are accepted by the Medical Board of California, the California Podiatric Medicine, the Board of Registered Nursing and the Dental Board of California.