Apply for a Personal License

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Military Spouse/Partner Temporary License Application

Professional License Portability and State Registration for Servicemembers and their Spouses

The federal Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) authorizes service members or their spouses who currently hold a valid license in good standing in another state, district, or territory to practice in California within the same profession or vocation, if they relocate to California because of military orders. For individuals who desire to practice in California under the terms of the SCRA, please visit:

Expedited Licensure Application Processing for Service Members Enrolled in Skillbridge

Beginning July 1, 2024, boards and bureaus under the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) must expedite licensure application processing for service members currently enrolled in the U.S. Department of Defense SkillBridge Program.

Service members seeking licensure in California who qualify must provide documentation of enrollment, such as an official letter from the commanding officer. Failure to provide proper documentation could result in application processing delays. Applicants must still meet all board or bureau licensing requirements. For questions or assistance regarding licensing requirements, please contact the Board of Pharmacy.

For more information on licensing resources available to service members, visit:

Applications and Examination Information


Applicant Information