Action Items
The board:
- Approved the development of Health Notes #7 on geriatric issues. This will be done in conjunction with UCSF, School of Pharmacy (Health Notes #5 on Alternative Medicines is near completion, Health Notes #6 on Pharmacist's Care is still being developed and Health Notes #8 on Quality Assurance Programs will begin development). Determine how many pharmacists have received CE from these publications and explore options to continue consumer columns.
- Approved the revisions to the NOTICE TO CONSUMERS - the revisions will include the questions that patients should understand before taking medications and will include a toll-free number for consumers to call the Board of Pharmacy.
- Will revise, publish and mail the 2001 California Pharmacy Lawbook to all California pharmacies early next year.
The board:
- Revised a legislative proposal that would authorize the use of an "automated dispensing device" from a "remote pharmacy site." This authorization will include approval only for demonstration projects where the pharmacy can document its inability to hire a pharmacist and to assure that there is a pharmacist in charge of the remote site and that this is the last resort for the pharmacy to operate.
- Will convene the task force to coordinate the efforts of the pharmacy profession to seek solutions to the pharmacist shortage. The task force will be comprised of the two Licensing Committee board members and approximately 15 members as recommended by this committee and appointed by the board president and vice-president. The board will request nominations from the following organizations: the four schools of pharmacy, California Pharmacists Association, California Society of Health Systems Pharmacists, California Retailers Association, Pharmacists Planning Service Inc., the Guild for Professional Pharmacists, United Food and Commercial Workers, California Employee Pharmacist Association, and the California Association of Health Plans. The committee will also solicit a representative from government and a consumer group. The meeting will be open to the public and the first meeting will be January 23, 2000, in Los Angeles. Public comment from audience members will be possible.
- Extended the UCSF study on pharmacy technicians checking pharmacy technicians until February 1, 2001. UCSF to present the study's findings at the January 2001 board meeting.
- Will continue its policy of not issuing a pharmacy permit to a LLC owner because pharmacies do not meet the criteria of a business license versus a professional license.
- Will sponsor legislation to authorize "approved entities" pursuant to section 340B of Public Law 102-585, the Veterans Health Care Act of 1992, to access statutory established drug prices and then contract with a licensed pharmacy to dispense these drugs to the covered patients.
The board:
- Tabled the adoption of the board's compliance policy on Prescriber Dispensing and Expiration Dates until they are discussed at the next open meeting of the Enforcement Committee.
- Delegated to the board's president the authority to order a psychiatric evaluation pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 820.
- Directed staff to mediate consumer complaints against pharmacies for failure to provide a Medi-Cal price quote to Medicare patients and encourage DHS to publish these prices for easy consumer access on a website.
- Will review SCC/NCC process regarding the issuance of citations for patient consultation violations
The board:
- Adopted section 1714.5 regarding dangerous drugs exempt from storage in a pharmacy.
- Will schedule an informational hearing on the proposed adoption of 1711 regarding the quality assurance program
- Held an informational hearing on proposed disciplinary guidelines - no comments were received - move to regulation hearing
- Referred comments regarding amendments to the preprinted, multiple checkoff prescription blanks (section 1717.3) to the Enforcement Committee for its recommendation.
- Will sponsor legislation on the following issues: conforming federal and state controlled substance schedules, clarify definition of wholesaling (may be done through regulation), repackaging pursuant to a patient request, temporary pharmacy license, Controlled Substances Act clean-up, fee schedule clean-up, Medi-Cal (insurance) fraud provision, consulting pharmacists, program flexibility for demonstration projects.
The board:
- Approved the board's strategic plan
- Added a new strategic objective to his committee's goal. The objective is to manage the board's financial resources to ensure fiscal viability and program integrity
- Modified the board's policy and procedure manual to reference a videotape and related materials on the Bagley Keene Open Meeting Act.